Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Teacher prostitution- for realsies

I have no comment on this one, I just thought it was really funny

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mumia's still in jail guys

A federal appeals court recently said Mumia Abu-Jamal can't be executed without a new penalty hearing. While this is a great step forward, it took far too long. Mumia has been on death row since 1981, after he was framed for killing a Philadelphia police officer. I say framed because he was. The forensics report said that the bullet that killed the officer was not the same size as the one from a gun Mumia was found with. An officer lied as he testified against Mumia, and the judge was quoted during the trial as saying, "I'm going to help them fry that n****r". For crying out loud, a man confessed after the trial to the killing. And yet Mumia sits on death row to this day. He is indeed the voice of the voiceless. We need to free this man and end racism in the court system. We cannot keep back-tracking like this, we need to move forward to a more equal, fair country, and indeed a more equal, fair world.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bailout bonuses and such

I agree with President Obama- the use of taxpayer money to fund bonuses for Wall Street Execs is shameful. Among some other, stronger, words I would use. How disgusting is it that after being given billions upon billions of dollars in taxpayer money to stop banks from going under after they lose billions taking on toxic mortgages? It's not like giving government money to private businesses is anything like socialism. Everyone knows that socialism is bad. But why? What we should have is centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Wouldn't that, along with a heavy progressive tax create a fairer playing field for industry? After all, it's not like we have anything close to free market economy right now. How can a start-up computer company possibly compete with Microsoft? We need to abolish these corporations or, better, nationalize them. A direct oversight of corporations would end these massive bonuses for the haves, and layoffs for the have nots.